Cute as a button, downy soft hair, large birthmark, cutest little baby teeth and the happiest child you will ever meet. Sixteen years later, she's still cute as a button (so I'm a little partial). Her downy hair has been replaced with unruly, absolutely OUT OF CONTROL curly hair that even the best straightener can't completely iron out. Her birthmark has completely faded to the point that, if you hadn't known her as a baby, you wouldn't know it ever existed. The baby teeth have fallen out and have been replaced with teeth that needed braces (which were removed yesterday). And that happy baby has been replaced with a moody teenager. Here's what my baby "Kittan" looks like today:
The changes in my sweet little sister are enough to send me into a fit of hyperventilating. And as if the age thing doesn't bother me enough, she is now the owner of a cell phone. She's not old enough for a cell phone! Never mind the fact that I had one whenever I was her age. Never mind the fact that her schoolmates have probably had one for going on five years now. She's still my baby sister. I should be picking out her clothes every morning and talking about the fact that boys have cooties and watching Cinderella with her. Instead, she can wear MY clothes, she tells me about all the boys that she thinks are hot (I never thought I'd hear the day...) and Cinderella is a obsession of the past. Now she likes Wizards of Waverly Place and High School Musical. What happened to my baby sister? Did those sixteen years really just fly by as fast as I think? If I'm this bad whenever my little sister turns 16, how am I going to be when I have kids of my own?? Whether I'm ready for it or not, it's here. So, Kris, Kit-Kat, K-sten, Kristenopher Robin, Kittan, Krissy, Kris Kross, K-man......happy (inhale) 16th birthday. You'll always be my baby sister, no matter how old you are. :)