Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I have a hate/hate relationship with my hair.  I hate it and it obviously hates me because it refuses to do anything I want it to.  Lately, I've been undecided on the status of my hair.  I look at pictures like this....
...and I think I want long hair again.  It was pretty, I felt younger and skinnier.  Then I remember that it was always a pain to curl and make it look just right and most of the time, it looked messy and heavy.....

...and I think that it wasn't worth it.  So then I look at pictures of my hair right after my wedding when I'd had enough of the long hair business and chopped it all off....

...and I think I want short hair again. It was easy, it was efficient, it looked cute.  Then I remember that I have craptastic thin hair that even the best root boosting, volumizing product can't help and I'm afraid I look balding with short hair....

...and I think I want to shave my head.  Not to mention my bangs.  My $*@(!* bangs.  Without mincing words, I HATE them.  I was cursed blessed enough to get a cowlick right in the middle of my bangs near my natural part.  Needless to say, having cute, bob style bangs was never an option for me.  So I thought I could pull off the side swept bangs that seem to be all the rage.  But, because of my cowlick, my bangs separate away from the rest of my hair:

So I'm trying to grow my bangs out to avoid this issue.  Except, right now, it's in the "growing-out-in-my-face-looks-totally-stupid-and-drives-me-crazy" phase and it's all I can do not to take a pair of scissors and chop them down to my scalp.  *sigh*  What do I do?  I've never been good at hair.  I don't know what products to use, I don't do hairstyles (although I wish I had time to do them) and I'm just at a loss on how to make my hair look good.  What's your vote?

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