Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mixed Feelings.

Saturday is a day that I've been looking forward to for a long time.  Marty and I have sold our house and are finally moving back to E-town.  We got an offer on our house about a month ago, found a home in E-town to move into, been overwhelmed with inspections and appraisals and painting and packing.  I'm finally getting to move back home.  I'm getting to move back to my family.  I don't have to drive the Bluegrass Parkway twice a day.  I've spent the last few weeks stressing over moving and packing everything in our home.  I should be thrilled.  But I'm sitting on my couch, looking at the bare walls and boxes piled up to be moved and I'm.....sad.  I can't help but look around the house and think about all the memories we have here.  This is our first home.  The house that Marty and I picked out together when we were engaged and dreaming of a fantastic life together.  It's the home that we came back to after our honeymoon....and brought a dog with us.  It's the house whose laundry room baseboards were destroyed by said dog.  It's the house that we brought Avery home to.  It's the only home she knows.  It's the home I've put thought and love into.  It's where we've fought, loved, laughed, cried and lived.  I don't know that I'm ready to leave. 

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