Saturday, June 30, 2012

Going Coke-free....almost.

Recently, I went on a mini-rant about feeling pretty crappy about myself and my post-baby body.  I hate looking at pictures of myself.  I don't really like looking at myself in the mirror.  I'm tired of taking FOR-EV-VER to get ready every morning, trying to disguise my extra baby weight, only to feel self-conscious the entire day.  Every time I felt bad or a little heavier than I would have liked, I whined about it.  But I wasn't doing anything to change it or get back to my former self.  I complained, I said I needed to work out, but I wasn't taking any step towards changing.  Today, I went through some of my old college photos.  I was amazed at how skinny I was and how good I felt in my clothes.  I saw a happier Devan that looked good and felt good in her clothes.  I want to be her again.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you have to be skinny to be happy.  I know that I'm not going to get back to my former weight.  Heck, I'm probably not even going to get close.  My goal is not to be skinny.  It's to have confidence and feel good in my clothes again.  To do that, I need to get my butt in gear and get rid of my Avery weight.  Today, I'm taking action.
Step 1:  No more Cokes (P.S. in my world, everything is a "Coke"...when I really don't even like Coke).  During my pregnancy, I drank water like it was going out of style.  I stocked up on the giant 1 Liter bottles and drank 3 a day, at the minimum.  I couldn't get enough of it.  Then Avery arrived, I became wrapped up in my life with her and forgot to eat some days, much less drink my required amount of water.  Now, fast forward to present day.  I've been so used to not sleeping well at night and relying on Dr. Peppers and the included caffeine to get me through the day.  It's quickly become a habit that's out of control.  When I'm thirsty, I crave a Pepsi.  In the morning, I want a Dr. Pepper.  At night, I reach for a can of Pepsi.  I'm never going to lose my extra pooch if I don't knock it off.  I'm realistic.  I cannot completely quit drinking caffeine cold-turkey.  I will be the meanest person in the world.  Since I love my family and don't want them to hide in fear when I'm around, I'm going to restrict myself to ONE can of Pepsi a day.  If you see me at McDonald's ordering a large Dr. Pepper, you have my permission to smack it out of my hand.  If you see me with a can of Pepsi, ask how many I've had that day.  If I tell you any number greater than one, take it away.  They say that the easiest way to drop some unwanted pounds is to stop drinking Cokes.  My hope is that I'll eventually be able to stop drinking them completely.  But for now, I'm embarking on Step Coke/Pepsi/Dr. Pepper a day.   Orders of the day:  drink water......drink Coke.....drink water.....stay awake......try not to kill anyone......drink more water.....

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Organize one thing Wednesdays

It's Wednesday.  It's the middle of the week.  You're tired of work and you're ticked because all that hard work and organizing and cleaning that you did Saturday and Sunday is disappearing.  Ladies and gentlemen, you have the "Hump Day Blues."  I get them BAD.  I work on cleaning during my weekend and get everything picked up and where I want it.  Monday comes, I go to work, come home, cook dinner, do some laundry, go through Avery's bedtime routine, spend some time with the husband, go to bed.  Tuesday comes, I repeat.  If I'm lucky, that'll be the only routine--but more often than not, wrenches are thrown into our weekday plans and we'll have church meeting or a softball game or a family birthday party.   During the week, my house is an all-out, war-zone, Hurricane Avery type mess.  Cleaning it all just seems like a daunting task that I'm not willing to take on.  That's why I'm introducing the "Organize One Thing Wednesdays."  I'm sure you've heard it from your Momma--Lord knows I have--that if you do one thing each night, you'll keep your house clean and organized.  I'm not even asking for that much.  Just implement one organizing solution in your home on Wednesday.  It'll be enough to make you feel calm and collected until you make it to that blessed Saturday when your house will be cleaned again.  I'll share my favorite organizing tips, tricks and pictures--whether it be from the Internet or from my very own household.  As always, share your ideas with me!  We'll keep our houses organized and calm from Sunday night all the way till Saturday morning.
For the first installment, I'm going to share my favorite blog with you:
Seriously addicted to this blog.  I could probably spend as much time reading through her posts as I could browsing Pinterest (that's A LOT).  She has fabulous ideas on how to organize almost everything in the home.  Not only that, she has tips on how to organize your life.  She has gorgeous free and custom printables from everything from personalized family binders to colorful children's chore charts.  I'm obsessed.  I want to be her.  Or have her come to my house and be my own personal organizer.  Browse her blog, get great ideas and I'll be back next Wednesday with an organizing tip from my very own house.  Clutter-free is the way to be! :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's okay to be a follower. I promise.

I'm going to do a little bit of self-promoting.  Bear with me for one measly little blog post.

Blogging is extremely cathartic.  It's a great way to release your emotions and reflect on the things that went on during the week.  Even though I do most of the blogging for myself, it's nice to know that people are actually reading what I'm posting.  It's an ah-mazing feeling when I've written a blog post that I feel good about and I see that 94 people have read it.  Sometimes, though, it can be discouraging when I see that I have only 11 followers and one person subscribed to my blog through email {HUGE thank you to those 12 peeps}.  When I look at those numbers, I think "Should I just stop blogging?  I don't really have anyone that reads it anyway!"  Since becoming a blogger and being aware of my own follower numbers, I try to check out as many new blogs as I can...and if I love them, I become a follower.  It's just a simple way to tell the author "Hey.  I like you and I like what you're saying.  Keep doing what you're doing."  So I'm throwing out a plea....if you're a faithful follower of this blog through my Facebook account, take a second and become a follower. If you're REALLY interested in what I have to say, subscribe to email updates every time I put up a new post{the email subscription sign up and becoming a follower can both be found on the right ------>}.    If you're new to this blog, WELCOME!  I hope you'll stick around and like what you see and eventually become a follower.  Thanks from the very bottom of my bloggin-lovin' heart. :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

High Fives all around!

Do you ever need a reminder to be thankful for the daily things you have?  To be happy for the little things that make up your life that are easily forgotten?  It's too.  That's why I'm happy I stumbled on "High Five for Friday" on one of my favorite blogs--From my Grey Desk.  It's a link party...cause there ain't no party like a linked up party....okay, I'll stop.  It's just five pictures of things you're thankful for or that you looked forward to or made you just plain happy this week.  Ready?

 one...I sold my Dooney & Bourke purse this week and put money in my pocket!  Yahoo for selling old things that aren't wanted/needed/used!

two....I guess I'm cheating here.  This was technically last week.  But I'm still so thankful for it, it's worth mentioning a week later.  I had the opportunity to go to the Kentucky FFA Convention in Lexington and judge the Jr. Parli competition.  While there, I met up with FIVE of my former state officer teammates.  To this day, apart from my wedding and Avery's birth, my state officer year was some of the most cherished moments of my life.  These guys are honestly my brothers and sisters. <3

three...I have a recent obsession with antique and skeleton keys.  I have probably 15 home decor and necklaces pinned that have some type of key on them.  Picked up this GIANT brass key wall decor for....ready?.....$9 Wednesday at Kirklands.  Now to find a place for it...... 

 four....daddy and Granddaddy went fishing for Father's Day, so Avery, Kris and I laid by the pool.  Have you ever seen anything sweeter?

five....anytime I see a Walt Disney quote, I know it's gonna be a good day. 

It's nice to remember all the good things that happened this week instead of focusing on the things that went wrong.  What's your High Five?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sew! A needle pulling threaaaaddddd....

Please indulge my shameless "come to my sister's class" plug, but I gotta help a sister out!  I'm currently on a quest to learn how to sew.  My super cool red headed sister is helping me reach domestic greatness by offering this class on Monday.  You should come!  We'll achieve Super Mommy greatness together!

I have a problem.

My name is Devan and I'm an over-decorator.  You know the kind....if there's a spare wall in their home, they hang pictures, mirrors, cover bare wall space with a plant or a curtain.  If there's open table space, they fill it with candles, pictures, baskets, flowers.  That's me.  I cannot stand blank space.  Currently, I'm obsessed with gallery walls.  Put up some frames and other things, easy peasy lemon squeezy, you've got a filled wall and no blank space.  Some of my favorite ideas can be found at Simcoe Street, Domestic Imperfection (one of my new favorite blogs), and Birch and Bird.   Until I can make my gallery wall become a reality, I've turned to the other blank spaces in my house.  Particularly, my fridge and shower....

Smooth surface fridge + dry erase markers=instant family message center
 Dry erase markers on your fridge are an easy way to keep track of things that go on in the kitchen.  With our house set-up, you see the fridge as soon as you walk in the back door.  It's nice seeing the "bible verse to remember" to get you in the right mind frame as soon as you get home.  I like having the grocery list on the fridge...convenient when making dinner and you notice that you don't have any milk or canned salsa left.  Write it on the fridge and then take a picture of the list when you're headed to the grocery.  Other options:  an art area for kids to draw on and entertain themselves while you prepare dinner.  My sister uses markers on her fridge to keep a list of produce and the date she purchased them so she can know how much longer they have before they go bad.  So many possibilities!  And for you neat freaks, it comes off easily with a paper towel.  If you've left it on for awhile, you might need your favorite surface cleaner to help. 
Lather, rinse, get motivated, repeat.

My favorite quotes to start my day

This is one of my favorite things in our house.  Forever I've been saying that I needed to put some quotes up on my mirror to pump myself up and make me feel better about the day that lay ahead of me.  Then, I remembered that I still had bathtub crayons from college.  Before you ask, I was very involved with FFA and served as the Kentucky FFA State President for a year.  With the title, I was expected to give a lot (A LOT) of speeches and present workshops.  Some people get all their good ideas during the night or while driving down the road.  I get mine in the shower.  Something about the mind-numbing routine of shampooing and shaving gives me the time for my mind to wander to other things. In fact, I wrote my entire 10 minute retiring address under my steamy shower head.  What better way to start the day, than with quotes to remind you to be thankful, be nice and be self confident today?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Laun-dream-y rooms

When you think of your dream home, which room do you drool over?  A kitchen with top of the line appliances and enough counter space to prep your family's dinner?  A living room with square footage large enough for you to arrange and re-arrange your jaw-dropping furniture?  A home office with built in bookshelves and a bay window?  Those are all well and good, but I dream of something a little bit different.  When I think of my dream home, I focus on one room.......the laundry.  I can't really explain it.  I don't particularly enjoy doing laundry or want to spend an excessive amount of time in the laundry room, but I can't help but drool over pictures of shelves for baskets, counter tops for folding clothes fresh out of the dryer.  I sigh over pictures of adorable laundry rooms that combine design and function.  In fact, my Dream Home Pinterest board is filled with pictures of laundry rooms and organizing solutions.  Let me just share a few of my drool-worthy photos with you:

Every family member has their own basket to put away
I want a sink in my laundry room. Bad.

Love the red and gray...and that island!!
Organized AND spacious??  When can I move in??
Is there anything I can say about this that you're not already thinking.....???
Geez.  If I get nothing else I want when (if??) Marty and I ever build, I want a spacious laundry room.  I don't think it's too much to ask, right? 
More along the lines of my current (penny pinching) budget, I've currently got my eye on a clothes line.  Eventually, when Marty and I figure out where we're going to be for a few years (it's kind of up in the air at the moment), I want an outdoor clothing line.  Saves money by not running the dryer constantly and gives your clothes and sheets a fresh air clean smell. *mmmmmm* 
Until we figure out a more permanent solution, I have my eye on these:

Indoor Retractable clothesline by Home Depot
The...$5!....clothesline.  We may have a winner.

I'll leave you guys to dream of your fabulous kitchens and living rooms.  Meanwhile, I'll have visions of clotheslines and ridiculously large laundry rooms dancing in my head.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

eBay, anyone?

Are you guys getting tired of hearing about saving money?  Good, because I'm not finished.  One of the biggest ways to get money back into your account is to take a good long look around your house and get rid of those things that you don't really need.  Idea:
On January 1, turn all of your hangers in your closet around backwards.  Every time you take something out and actually WEAR it (I'm guilty of taking it out, putting it on, changing my mind and putting it back), then flip the hanger around the right way.  In 6 months, get rid of any item that's still hanging backwards.  You can have a yard sale if you're wanting to make a little extra cash.  I think this is going to be on my mid-year resolution...I don't want to wait until next January! 

I think we all have that one item in our house that we regret buying.  That we know we spent too much on, that we didn't really need, that we wish we had the money back on it every time we see it.  My item was a Dooney & Bourke Disney sketch purse.  I saw a girl at a UK basketball game with an adorable clutch with Mickey ears and balloons all over it.  Had. To. Have. It.  Literally, the next day, I went on the Disney Store's website and located them.  You can see the entire Dooney & Bourke Disney collection here.  I wanted one so badly.  Until I saw the price.  I was not going to spend that much money on a purse.  It was absurd.  So I put the idea out of my mind....for a little while.  Until Christmas came along and my dad gave each of us a cash gift.  Enough cash to buy my little purse.  Instead of being a smart, financially saavy little girl and saving my money, I bought the purse.  I was so excited, until it came in the mail.  And it was a lot smaller than I was expecting.  I was disappointed and, more than that, I felt guilty.  Literally, every time I saw the purse sitting in the back of my closet, my stomach turned.  I had to bury it in the back of my closet because I became nauseous every time I caught sight of it.  Terrible, I know.  But I didn't want to give it away or sell it in a yard sale because I'd paid so much for it!  So it sat in the back of my closet, unloved and unused.  When I began my Penny Pinching quest, I started to go through my closet in preparation for our family yard sale.  That's when I came across the purse again.  Instead of putting it in with the yard sale junk, I discovered eBay.  I've always been really hesitant whenever eBay was involved.  Auctions make me a little bit panicky.  I don't like bidding up until the last minute on something that I really want.  So I've decided to take advantage of all eBay has to offer, not as a buyer, but as a seller.  Here she is!
You can buy this item HERE
 Cross your fingers that it sells!! Because I really hate feeling nauseous and being intimidated by a purse.
Update: in less than 24 hours, I've got a bidder! I'm guaranteed at least $95 back on this baby! What on earth was I afraid of??

Friday, June 15, 2012

1950s housewife, here I come.

It's June 14th and I'm continuing my "Penny Pinching Summer" in my quest to save and be less stressed about every aspect of my life where money and spending are concerned.  So far, I've been doing well by saving money at the grocery through coupons and store-brand shopping.  I've been keeping more green in my wallet by passing up the clothing stores for myself and Avery and only picking up things that are needed in our wardrobes.  I eat out less and cook at home more.  I bought pretty much all of the gifts for Avery's birthday using a gift card that I got to the Disney Store. 

Now, I'm looking to save money around the house.  The obvious answer led me right to my laundry room.  I know I can't be the only one who has gawked at the price of laundry detergent lately.  It's RIDICULOUS.  I buy Tide Coldwater because, obviously, I wash everything in cold water.  I also buy Dreft because Avery had eczema pretty bad as a newborn, so I didn't want anything to irritate her already delicate skin.  At ten months old, the eczema has all but disappeared and I'm ready to stop spending so much on detergent.  At Wal-Mart, the Tide Coldwater is around $12 for 100 ounces.  The Tide website says that you can get 52 loads out of a 100 oz.  So I'll base my numbers around that estimate, although I probably get less loads out of a bottle because I'm super guilty of not measuring out my detergent.  Pour some in the cap, dump in the wash, close the lid.  Anyway, back to the detergent.  If you are a good little laundry-doer and get the 52 loads out of a container, you're spending 23 cents a load.  I hear you now, Devan it's only 23 cents.  What on earth can you buy with 23 cents??  Just wait.  If you also count the Dreft, which is about $16, at 52 loads, I'm spending 30 whopping cents a load on baby clothes.  Yeah, that's gotta stop.
Once I decided that I wanted to go all pioneer woman and make my own detergent, I started looking around on Pinterest (of course) for the perfect detergent "recipe."  I was surprised by the variety of homemade detergents.  Some people put scented oil in theirs to give their laundry a fresh, clean scent.  Others put Oxi Clean in to make sure their whites sparkled.  Still others added baking soda to give their laundry that extra "oomph."  Despite all the variations, three ingredients remained consistent in all the recipes--Borax, Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda and bar soap.  Most used a fancy type of washing soap like Fels-Naptha or Zote, but I decided that I would stick with good old, time trusted Ivory soap.  I decided to stick with the basic 3 ingredients for now and leave the recipe open to change if I decided it needed a little something more.
Count 'em...just THREE ingredients
After the ingredients were purchased, it was time to assemble.  I bought a small plastic container at Wal-Mart that I knew would fit in my laundry room and would hold a large amount of detergent if I decided to make it in bulk.  Making this detergent couldn't be easier.  Three steps.....ready?  Pour the entire boxes of Borax and Super Washing Soda into your container. 

After the two powders are poured, take a cheese grater and grate 3 bars of soap into the mix.  If you have a food processer, you can use that....I'm not fancy and had to use a basic hand grater.  The result will look like a bunch of grated Mozzarella cheese.  It's not.  Don't eat it. :)  Another plus to making this detergent?  Your arm gets a good workout while grating. 
Don't be's soap.
Alright.  Soap is grated, powders are poured.  Now, stick your hand in and mix it all together.  This was the hardest part for me because I'm a texture freak and this was weird.  I mixed quickly and ran to the sink to wash off.  And I'm D-O-N-E, done.  
Now for the savings.  Prepare to be stunned.  Earlier I mentioned that I was spending 23 cents for every load of mine and Marty's clothing and 30 cents on Avery's.  On my three ingredients, I spent $7.86.  Most of the blogs I read of ladies making their own detergent call for either one or two heaping tablespoons of detergent in your washer.  Here comes a little math...stay with me....the Borax comes in a 76 oz box, the Washing Soda is 55 oz and the three bars of soap were a total of 9.5 oz=140.5 ounces of detergent.  The conversion from ounces to tablespoons is 1 oz=2 tablespoons, so I have approximately 281 tablespoons of detergent.  If I put just ONE tablespoon per load of laundry, I would be able to do 281 loads.  Ready?  $7.88/281= 3 CENTS A LOAD.  Even if I use two tablespoons per load, I'm spending about 6 cents.  Are. You. Kidding. Me??  Basically, every time I walk to my washing machine and do a load of laundry, I'm saving myself 50 cents.  On 281 loads of laundry, I'm keeping $140.50 for myself to spend on something else.  Take a moment to soak that in.  Can we say "No Brainer??" 
Of course I had to make the container pretty.  I'm a self-diagnosed over decorator.
Note:  Most articles I read mentioned that you might have some soapy build-up from this type of detergent.  It's an easy fix....dump a cup of vinegar in your washing machine and run an empty load to keep your drum clean and soap-free.  Some places also mentioned using 1/4 cup of white vinegar in the dryer as a fabric softner to remove soapy residue from clothing.  I'll be interested to see how my detergent smells and how well it cleans my clothing.  I'll keep you guys updated on that.  But for now, 20 cents of savings is worth trying my homemade detergent!  Next, I'm working on finding ways to save on fabric softner.  Stay tuned for more Penny Pinching tips around the home!

Sources:  Sugar Pie Farmhouse  Yellow Brick Home  How Does She?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blog posts...written by God?

Do you ever hear God talking and you just ignore it, blaming it on concidence or your own thoughts leading you to a conclusion that you're looking for?  Not so, my friend.  God speaks, it's your choice whether or not you want to stop trying to control everything and listen to Him.  Unfortunately, for too long I've tried to do everything myself.  Avery doesn't sleep--I read parenting books for solutions, listen to the advice of other moms, let her cry it out, give her cereal before bed, let her sleep on the couch with her daddy, read some more parenting books.  My house is a wreck--I get mad, I blame it on Marty, I make excuses and that I'm too exhausted from working my daytime job and dealing with Avery, I complain that I shouldn't be the only one to handle all the homemaking.  Things happen that are out of my control--I ask "Why me?,"  I panic, I plan, I over-think and over-analyze.   Not once is my first reaction to stop and pray.  To ask God to ease my burden and help me through my problem.  I'm not embarassed to tell you this because I'm finally admitting that I'm not a Supermommy.  No matter how hard I try, I cannot control everything in my life and make things completely perfect.  I have a Father for that.  A Father who has cared for and loved me from the very moment I was stitched in my mother's womb.  He "knew the plans He had for me" and what was in store for my life.  So, why on earth do I think that I can handle my life  better than He who created all things??  Here lately, I've been feeling so overwhelmed.  Like there's too much going on in my life and, instead of trying to make things positive and look at the brighter side and hope for the best, I want to give it all up.  I want to quit and complain that life is too hard and I shouldn't be expected to handle all that's coming our way.  Do you think it was easy for Jesus to come to earth and die for you?  To be nailed to a cross just so you and I can have eternal life?  So who am I to complain about my 10 month old's lack of sleep or my piles of laundry?  God has been talking to me a lot lately, and I've been ignoring Him.  Whether it's through my Sunday school lesson or an email from my SIL, He's been there.  Like a little child, I've stuck my fingers in my ears and turned away.  Until today.  I found a new blog called Aunt Ruthie's Sugar Pie Farmhouse, which posts about making your home into a Southern farmhouse and being a homemaker.  You wouldn't think that would be the place that God would choose to talk to me...but He did.  I came across this post about finding the motivation to do things that we deem as being "too hard" or not taking care of our homes because we "don't feel like it."  Lord knows I'm all too guilty of that.  I think that I can justify those 6 loads of dirty laundry sitting in the floor because I've had a long day or I have to cook dinner.  The entire post got my attention.  "Be the mama you want to be (even when you don't feel like it)" and "Tending to the hearth and home is a gift of LOVE" were all screaming out like they were written especially for me.  It was a wake-up call to my current attitude.  Unfortunately, the temperature in my house lately has been on too hot, with me being irrational and angry.  Don't I want to create a warm and cozy environment for my family to live in?  It was like God was talking right to me.  He was telling me "Listen.  I'm talking to you.  I've given you a husband, a child, a home.  I've blessed you by making you a wife and a mother.  There are duties that go with these cherished titles.  Do them and be happy while you're at it.  And above all my child, stop complaining."  Nothing like your Heavenly Creator telling you to suck it up and stop whining about things.  I've been terrible to be around lately because I've been so focused on the things that weren't going the way I wanted them to...when all along, they've been going the way He wants.  I heard a quote in our last Sunday school lesson that seems pretty appropriate: "If everyone were to throw their problems out into the middle of the room for all to see, you'd be quick to grab your own problems back."  Im going to stop my complaining and face situations getting on my knees and praying about them first.  And to cherish the jobs that the Lord has given me.  Not everyone gets to experience the blessing of marriage or the wonder of motherhood.  I need to cherish the moments that I'm given and treat them with love and joy.  Message received Lord.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Menu! Printables! Supper Clubbing!

As promised, this week's "Super Messy Supper Club" menu:

Monday-- Rotel Chicken Skillet
Tuesday-- Ranch Chicken  (Combine 3/4 cup crushed cornflakes. 3/4 cup parmesan cheese. 1 packet of hidden valley ranch dressing mix. Dip 8 chicken halves in melted butter and then roll in cornflake mix. Place in greased 9x13 pan. Bake @ 350 for 45 min)
Wednesday-- Forgotten Chicken                                       
Thursday-- Baked Fajitas

Friday-Sunday, I'll be in Gatlinburg for my cousin's bachelorette party, so Marty and Avery are on their own. :)

And since we know that you should menu plan before you go shopping for all your dinner ingredients, I've made up your very own "Super Messy Supper Club" menu and grocery list planner for you to save to your computer and print off any time you make your weekly menu and shop accordingly.  Happy menu planning. :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

No pictures, please.

When do I start feeling good about myself again?  When do I stop looking at pictures and thinking "My gosh.  I am a fat, pasty white cow."?  I have struggled with low self-esteem my entire life. I'm constantly worried about looking stupid or if my chin is too big or if people like me.  I've never had much confidence in myself.  But nothing compares to how I feel now...ten pounds heavier than I should be and carrying the battle scars of pregnancy.  Don't get me wrong, having my sweet Avery is more than worth the extra weight I'm carrying or a couple of stretch marks.  I'm not asking for a flat tummy or killer boobs.  I just want to feel good about myself.  I don't want to dread taking pictures with my family because I'm worried about how I'll look in them.  Something is wrong when I look at a family photo and, instead of focusing on my adorable daughter or my smoking hot husband,  all I can see is my double chin and how my clothes cling to my stomach.  When does it end?  When do I start feeling on the outside like I do on the inside? Motherhood is the most amazing, most empowering thing I've ever done in my life.  I've never felt more beautiful as a woman than I do when I'm caring for my little girl.  So when does that start to show on the outside too?  I guess I've done it to myself.  I have zero motivation to workout after being at work and going through my daily routine.  I know I don't always eat as healthy as I should.  I guess instead of complaining, I should be jumping on the treadmill or doing laps in my parent's pool.  If I want to look good, I have to work for it...and it won't come easy.  But until I get that "hot body," I would just like to feel good about myself in the meantime.

Introducing! The Crafting Chronicles!

It's no secret that am I am a gigantic Pinterest fan.  I drool over the awesomeness, sit in awe of the organizational tips and stew with envy over other people's resourcefulness and craft abilities.  I've finally decided that I'm tired of just admiring my pins from the comfort of my couch.  It's time to actually DO some of the amazing projects I've pinned.  And voila!  New series!  It will consist of all of the craft projects I do when Avery (finally) goes to sleep at night.  Some will be "stolen" Pinterest ideas, some will be ideas from my very own noodle (they do happen sometimes).  From upcycled furniture pieces to painted canvases, you'll see it all here!
For my first project, I decided to start with something pretty simple.  I found this idea that combined my love for Post-It's and to-do lists. 
Genius!  Instead of writing a new to-do list every single week, you just swap out the Post-Its on this pretty doodled paper.  Love.  Here's my version, a little modified...

In the original version, the crafter had a Post-It where she could write whether her goals were for the day, week, month, hour, whatever.  I don't know about you all, but I ALWAYS have a daily and weekly to-do list.  So I made two.  I will keep my top 5 priorities on the list.  As I complete them, I peel the Post-It off, throw it away and replace it with another goal.  As I wrote out my goals, I realized that maybe I needed a bigger piece of paper....maybe a poster board-sized list??  I love this idea so much, I could kiss the woman that came up with it.  I told you, this idea is SO easy and a lot prettier than carrying that stupid scrap of paper with me everyday.  Pinterest, again....I love you.

I hope to have some more "Crafting Chronicles" ideas to share soon, but the summer, as usual, is filled with all kinds of activities and to-dos (can't you tell by my list??) and I'm not sure when I'll get to them all.  So stay tuned!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

My penny pinching brag of the week.

Well, actually its a couple of brags on myself.  This week, I paid off two of my medical bills and freeing up $125 from my paycheck to go towards saving and debt reduction.  Can I get a "woot woot?"  Tonight, I went to the grocery.  Before my penny pinching summer began, it was not unheard of for me to spend $200+ at the grocery. That $200 was a huge hit to my bank account, leaving little money for all the other necessities (and sometimes frivolous purchases) I bought.  Well, times have changed and I'm fully embracing the penny pinching lifestyle.  Tonight, I had to embark on a marathon shopping spree.  You know the kind--when your kitchen has nothing but butter, Ritz crackers and spaghetti noodles.  Spending over $200 was no longer an option for me.  So I planned.  I planned my meals for the week (menu to be posted asap) and made my grocery list.  I clipped coupons and figured out which were going to expire soonest and what items I was really going to need in the near future (because whats the point of buying ketchup for 50¢ less when you have two economy size bottles at home?). When making out my list, I now write "coupons" by the item that I'm buying that has a corresponding coupon.  Too many times, I would have the coupon clipped and with me, and somewhere in the chaos that is grocery shopping and paying (especially at Wal-Mart), I would forget that I even had it.  Then the coupon would expire.  Stupid, I know.  I arrived at the grocery, list in hand and I shopped.  In my reckless spending days, I only bought name-brand food.  I guess I thought that the off-brand would taste horrible and wasn't worth the savings.  Ridiulous.  I still believe that some items are worth the splurge and taste different.  But whats the point of paying $3 more for a can of spaghetti sauce that tastes exactly the same as the store brand?  So, cart overflowing with off-brand items and coupons in hand, I made my way to the check-out.  Before going in, I gave myself a $150 budget.  My total tonight, if you take away a $14 sundress I purchased for myself for tomorrow's church service, was $152.  Yayyyyy!  Don't worry, I'm patting myself on the back for you.  I realize that some of you serious grocery shoppers out there are probably balking at a $166 grocery bill.  But for two weeks worth of food for Marty and I and a completely stocked baby food cabinet and wipes,  Maybe I can slowly whittle off $10 here and $20 there to get my total lower, but for someone that was used to spending $180-$230 at the grocery, I'm pretty dang proud.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Penny Pinching Tips....from a pro.

I feel like an official blogger now...I've asked a guest poster to give you some tips on how to save some money.  Lucky for you, she gets paid to tell people how to save money as the Nelson County FCS agent....and she's my sister!  We are nothing alike--Dayna is a saver, I'm a spender.  Dayna is outgoing, I'm super shy.  Dayna is modern and color, I'm vintage and black and white.  Despite all this, the boys in our family can't tell us apart when they're learning names.  I'm "black hair," she's "red hair."  So, without further ado, Red Hair and her "Penny Pinching" tips.

Hey Penny Pinchers!

I hope that Devan has been giving you some helpful tips this summer about how she saves money and that you’ve been able to apply them to your own life. Dev asked me to “guest post” on her blog because her “Penny Pinching Summer” idea is exactly what I do in my job. I am the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent at the Nelson County Extension Office. (Every county has an extension office and most have an FCS agent- check out your county office here: Basically, it’s my job to deliver UK information to the community about financial management, nutrition, food preservation, food safety, child development and much more. It’s kind of hard to explain to people but I love it.

Fortunately for you, the information I give out about financial management is all research based and backed by the one and only University of Kentucky. So, I figured I’d compile all of my favorite money saving tips into one and then give you the links to a few publications on saving money.
First: Couponing 101
Couponing 101 is just a lesson for basic coupon etiquette and use for those individuals who want to use coupons to save a little dough. Basically, it’s for those smart folks who take the free money stores send out in the paper every week.
When couponing, don’t make your list around the coupons. Make your grocery list, then browse the coupons to see if you can use any. If you hunt through coupons first you’ll end up buying things you don’t need just because you have a coupon for it, which ultimately, just cost you more money.
When you coupon, sort them out in some way that makes sense to you. Some people like to separate into food and non-food, some put them in order of the grocery store aisles, and others paper clip the ones they know they’re going to use onto their list. Regardless of how you do it, find a way that works best for you. It may take you a few tries but you’ll figure something out.
The first rule of couponing is this: only try to use the coupons for what they are intended. If it says buy three, save $3.00, no you may not buy one and save $1.00. Buy what it says you need to buy for the coupon to be honored.
Second, don’t try to use expired coupons. They have an expiration date on them for a reason. If you have some recently expired coupons, visit to find an address to someone you can send them to who will send them overseas to our military families who have access to commissaries. They can use them up to 6 months expired there. (only manufacturer’s coupons!)
Last, don’t get angry at the cashier if one of your coupons doesn’t work. First, make sure you bought the correct item and amount (don’t try to buy a 16 oz Coke and use a coupon for a 20 oz). Then, if you have the correct items and it still won’t scan, check the expiration date and check that it isn’t a coupon for another store. Using a Dollar General coupon at Kroger aint gonna fly. If all of this is correct, calmly ask for the manager. No big deal.
I think couponing is a wonderful thing- I honestly see coupons as free money. If you have to buy toilet paper and it would have cost you 5.89 without a coupon, but you have a coupon for .40 cents off, imagine that you paid your normal 5.89 and they just handed you back .40 cents. For free. It helps.
I just skimmed the very basics of this publication. Check it out to learn about sale cycles (typically 12 weeks) and more. It’s worth the read:
Next, we have these awesome “Add Up the Savings” cards. They’re quick tips to saving money different ways. Let me re-cap for you:
Add Up the Savings When Eating Out:
1. The obvious one- try to limit the number of times you go out to eat.
2. Don’t order super size meals. They only add calories and money. Order smaller, save money.
3. Drink water. Sodas shouldn’t cost 2+ dollars but they usually do. So again, save money, save calories. If you don’t like the taste of water, take a flavor packet into the restaurant with you.
4. Bring your lunch to work. Sometimes this isn’t feasible if we’re on the road or we have a lunch meeting, but when possible, you can save up to $1,000 a year. And I know there aren’t too many people out there who couldn’t use an extra $1,000 a year. Lunches is one of the fastest ways we blow our money. Spend an extra ten minutes at night or in the morning to pack yourself one, or better yet, eat your leftovers from the night before.
5. Eat earlier in the day when you’re going out for dinner. Many places up the prices of their meals later in the evening. Get there while they’re still offering the early prices.
6. Order off the lunch menu if you go during the day. They’re usually smaller portions and cost less, again saving money and calories (anyone else see a theme here?)
7. Avoid vending machines or stopping at a gas station for snacks. They’re usually packed with fat and cost more than they should. Keep a drawer of healthy snacks in your office or at home.
Add Up the Savings On Clothing:
1. Avoid fads that are probably going to be unfashionable next season. Those flamingo pants may be cool today, but they probably won’t be in a month, and you just dropped $50 for something you can only wear a few times. Purchase classic pieces that you’ll be able to re-wear season after season.
2. Don’t buy lots of bright colors. These can usually only be worn in spring. Darker colors can be worn all year.
3. Follow care instructions when washing and drying your clothes. Meaning, if it says dry clean only- dry clean it. Don’t risk tearing it up, then you’ll just have to go buy another one. (Personal opinion: don’t buy things that are dry clean only in the first place!)
4. Buy solid colored pieces so you can mix and match and re-wear more often without people noticing. If you start to show up in that start studded pink zebra shirt more than once a month, people will talk.
5. Use accessories at a minimum. Yes, they are nice and can add to an outfit, but they also cost quite a bit of money. Find classic earrings you can wear with anything and a good watch and bracelet or necklace. Use extravagant accessories for special occasions.
6. Shop at consignments stores. Yes, I said it and I mean it. Consignments stores can offer you the same thing a store offers you for a much cheaper price. Who cares that someone wore it a few times already? It’s half the price and technically, people have tried on the clothes in the store, so they’ve been worn too.
7. Don’t buy clothes you don’t need. If you already have a black shirt in good condition, don’t buy another one.
8. Learn how to sew to make minor repairs. (You can all come to my beginner’s sewing class at the Nelson County Extension Office if you need to learn. July 25th at 5:30 p.m. and it only costs $5.00)
There are also “Add Up The Savings” cards when shopping for food, at home, on energy, and on food preparation. See those here:
At Home:
On Food Preparation:
When Shopping For Food:
On Energy:
My last money saving tid-bit is this: host a swap party! Get some snacks, call up your girls and get together for a night of fun! Have everyone bring their purses, shoes, clothes, books, whatever that are in good condition, lay them out and swap! Then, have the party the next month (or rotate it to someone else’s house) and do it again! Bring the same items (friend A may have borrowed friend B’s purse that you really wanted to get) and/or bring some new things! You’ll always have new things without spending a dime! Plus you get girl time!
Basically, just be aware of how much you’re spending and what you’re spending your money on. I recently went through my bank statements and saw that I had bought 12 McDonalds Sweet Teas in one month. TWELVE. I justified it to myself each time that it was only a dollar. ONE DOLLAR! Who can pass up a large delicious sweet tea when it’s so cheap? Well I can when I figure out I’d spent twelve dollars over the course of the month.  Needless to say, I’ve banned myself. I grab a cup and fill it up with water instead. No money, no calories. I really don’t see a down side to it!
I hope you all find this helpful, I know it was long but I hope it was worth it! And please don’t hesitate to call me (our office number is 502-348-9204), email me ( , or check out my work blog (  if you want more information! I also try to tweet financial tips every now and then (@NelsonCountyFCS).  You’re also welcome to call the FCS agent in your own county. That’s what we’re here for!
Additional publications you might find interesting:
How To Keep Money In Your Pocket:
Supermarket Savvy:
The Power of Ten:
There are tons more! Visit to see all of the financial management publications. From estate planning, to retirement planning, to which bread machine to buy, we’ve got you covered.

Happy Penny Pinching! :)