Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ready to {Color} Run!

I've needed a swift kick in the bee-hind to get back on the fitness track.  I've said I'm going to watch my weight, I'm going to count calories again, I'm going to eat healthy breakfasts, blah, blah, blah.  Haven't done any of it.  I needed a motivator.  And I think I've found it:


Whaaaat?!  The Color Run?!?  Only the "happiest 5K on the planet!"  Seriously, they say so:


I've reallllllly wanted to do a Color Run for awhile now.  Really bad  (said like Kid President). We're talking "on the bucket list" kind of stuff here people.  And it's coming to a city near me (Cincinnati to be exact).  On August 24th.  I'm doing it.  Not even kidding.  Have fun, get colorful and check an item off the Bucket List?  I'm there.


Is this something you're interested in?  Because they offer a registration discount for teams of 4 or more.  We can come up with a sweet team name and maybe even do costumes (I'm feeling tutus...or superheros....or Disney Princesses *gasp!*).  Totally serious.  If you want to run with me, let me know and we can get a group to go.   We have plenty of time to train.  That's where my original thought a 5K and have to train for it.  My sights were set a little higher--like the Disney Princess Half Marathon or the Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse Royal Family 5K or the Disney Family Fun Run 5K.....but the Color Run will do :)  So, starting April 1st (I'm giving myself time to hopefully move in our new home and get settled), I'm going to start training.   I've downloaded the "Couch-to-5K" app on my phone and created a "Ready to {Color} Run" playlist on my iTunes with kick-butt workout/running songs.  Join me?  (Seriously.  Let me know if you wanna!)  If you join my team, we may or may not make a trip to IKEA while we're in Cincy...that's worth doing the race alone.  :)

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