Monday, July 8, 2013

Closet Conqueror.

New house.  New problems with my closet. Oy.

This weekend, Marty took Avery for some daddy-daughter time and I got a much needed, toddler-free afternoon at home.  Normally, I would have taken that opportunity to eat potato chips (alone without a toddler begging for some) and watch a non-Disney TV show.  This weekend was a different story.  I decided to do something that I would NEVER be able to when Avery is home......clean out my closet.

When we moved in our new home, we quickly realized that our master bedroom closet was not going to be enough room to hold both mine and Marty's clothing.  Since Marty has twice (that may be a conservative figure) the amount of clothes that I do (sorry, Marty), it was a no-brainer to let him have the walk-in.  Which means I got the closet in the 3rd bedroom....a.k.a. Avery's playroom.  The room itself is an explosion of all things Avery--stuffed animals, books, Little People toys...basically just crap EVERYWHERE.  It's stressful enough just walking into the room to get my clothes.  Then I open the doors to see this: 

Ugh.  Where do I even start?  My closet was filled with clothes I basically hate.  75% of this stuff is never worn.  It's clothes that I have an emotional attachment to (i.e.  That shirt is an Ann Taylor Loft.  It's too expensive to give away....even though I NEVER wear it).  Everything hanging could be justified in my mind about why it needed to stay there, even if it hasn't been worn in a year.  All of my summer and winter clothes are mixed together in one tiny closet, creating jam-packed chaos.  

My purses are packed in a storage bin, with multiple spill-overs just sitting in the floor.  Since I have so many clothes hanging, I have no room for hangers.  So they're left to litter the closet floor and the top shelf.  It's madness, y'all.   Now you see why I chose to organize my closet instead of propping my feet up on the couch.  

I started weeding through the clothes first.  I pulled everything that I haven't worn in awhile.  I got rid of some things by telling myself that I would try to sell some of the higher priced items in a yard sale instead of sending it right to the Goodwill racks.  I removed all the winter clothes and put them in a tub to go into storage until cooler weather.  Afters!

 HUGE difference, right? 

Previous to the closet-redo, my accessories like belts and hats were in our master bathroom closet.  I finally had the room to bring them back into my closet with all their clothing friends. I put all the reusable totes I've collected (fun fact:  I'm a sucker for reusable totes.  If they're offered at a store, I'm probably gonna buy one.  I own no fewer than 4 from the Disney Store) into one big tote and put them in the corner.

 Again, before the organization, my pants and shorts were located in the master bedroom closet.  Basically, in order for me to get ready on a regular basis, I needed to visit three different places to put an outfit together.  No more!  All my pants and shorts are neatly folded at the top of my closet.  I bought some wire baskets for SUPER cheap at Ross a long, long time ago and never had a reason to use them.  Well, now they're in my closet holding my floppy purses that have no shape and would fall if I tried to stand them and all my clutches.

For my bigger and nicer purses that have shape to them, I didn't want them to be squished and just laying in the floor.  I simply took a hammer and nail and made a place for them on the wall.

My final step in organization was to make sure I don't keep a bunch of clothes I don't ever wear.  It's my goal to pare all of my clothing down and end up with only the things I really, really love.  I had multiple pep talks with myself while cleaning out this closet ("Yes, Devan.  I know that neckline is really pretty.  But you hate the way that shirt accentuates your Avery weight and never wear it.").

I'm sure you all have seen this method on Pinterest....I turned all of my hangers around backwards (drives me a little bit crazy, but I'll deal).  Anything that's still turned around the wrong way in 6 months gets donated.

 Here's to a small slice of organized heaven in an otherwise cluttered child's playroom!

One last look.  *contented sigh*

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