Monday, July 15, 2013

Grand Reveal!

Whew.  Long time, no blog.  I've had massive writer's block, y'all.  And considering I write about my life, maybe that just means that life has been super boring lately and I've had nothing to talk about.  Either way, I haven't posted.  Fixing that! :)

I posted the other day on Facebook that some changes would  be coming to my painting business, formerly known as Rustic Elegance.  Nothing personal, Rustic Elegance, but I just wasn't feeling inspired by that name anymore.  Since I kick started my painting again, I really felt like I needed to start fresh.  First decision, new name.  I'm super creative when it comes to paintings and seeing pictures in my head, but when it comes to thinking of creative names for things, I'm pretty terrible.  I did know that I wanted it to be something personal.  Something that meant something to me.  So, after a pretty intense brainstorming session, talking with some friends and getting advice on Facebook, I have a new name!  "28th and Hudson designs!"  28th, being Avery's birthday and Hudson, being the address of our first home, where I began creating so long ago...(actually, three years.  so not all that long).  Not only do I have a new name, but I stayed up until well past midnight the other night creating a new logo.  Ya ready??

I'm ridiculously pumped about this.  I have lots of things in the works for this new shop.  New FB page, new BLOG!!, new Etsy shop, new Twitter, new everythings!  I won't reveal anything yet because it's all still in the "I'm-working-out-the-kinks-and-I'm-not-totally-happy-with-it" stage, but it'll be coming soon!  You'll be able to view all my designs on my blog, keep up with me on Facebook and Twitter, hopefully enter some giveaways and more! 

I needed a new start because I was feeling completely uninspired to paint.  If I start fresh, it's a brand-new business almost.  New name, new logo, new me!  I'm organized and ready to start creating all kinds of wonderful things for you.  So check back soon for all things "28th and Hudson!"  Yeehaw! 

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